Sunday, September 08, 2013

How to gain weight

How to gain weight: People may be underweight due to various reasons
Inadequate feeding habits, prolonged meal time gaps, poor selection of foods, increased physical activity without increasing the food intake can lead to energy deficit, are a few of the major reasons for being underweight. Other reasons can be malabsorption due to prolonged illness, diseases such as tuberculosis
, cancer
, hormonal imbalances (hyperthyroidism) and eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa
 or bulimia.
How to gain weight: Healthy weight gain
Gradual weight gain is always advisable. An increase in 500 kcal per day can result in increasing the body weight by 0.5 kgs per week. Objective should be to restore a desirable weight/ ideal body weight according to one's age, gender and height. To rebuild body tissues, to maintain a good nutritional status and to maintain ideal body weight are a few reasons why healthy weight gain is important.
How to gain weight: Exercise
If you're indulging where food's concerned, beware of the inevitable skinny person's paunch. No matter what your skinny status, as you grow older, you will develop an unsightly paunch. To avoid this, you must endeavour to maintain a toned body. For this, exercise
 is essential. Participate in a balanced mix of cardio, weight training, and flexibility exercises every day.
How to gain weight: Lift weights for lean mass
If you haven't figured it out already, you're going to be doing some heavy lifting in order to put on lean mass. The foundation of your routine should be the big compound lifts: Squats, deadlifts, presses (bench and overhead), pull-ups, rows, dips, snatches, power cleans, clean and jerks. These engage multiple muscles while triggering your hormonal response systems.
How to gain weight: Exercises for beginners
Squat 5x5
Pull-ups 5xFailure (add weight if "Failure" is becoming more than 12 reps)
Overhead Press 5x5
Squat 5x5
Deadlift 1/2/3x5 (your choice; deadlifts can be incredibly taxing, and with exhaustion comes poor form, so be careful; sometimes it's better to do a really heavy load for a single set)
Bench Press 5x5
Squat 5x5
Pull-ups 5xFailure
Overhead Press 5x5
Do this sequence every week (maybe Monday, Wednesday, Friday) and steadily increase the weight each session. Once you're making progress, feel free to add in other exercises like dips or more Olympic lifts.
How to gain weight: Healthy diet
You may take dietary supplement, but you need a balanced diet more. You need the right amount of protein, carbs and fats. Help yourself to nuts and dairy products. Protein is the key for muscle building; this will help you gain weight.
How to gain weight: Healthy heart
 and weight gain diet
Add pistachios or roasted channa to your diet. Make them your evening munchies, as they help you lower risk of heart disease. Other snack ideas include whole wheat or multi grain bread/ soy sticks with hummus or peanut butter. Opt for salsa dips and chutneys as they are high on fibre and very healthy. How to Gain Weight: Increase liquid intakeAds by Google

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If you want to gain weight, you need to build an appetite; and while this might be a tad non-traditional, you can rely on wine as a hunger stimulant. A small glass of wine before your evening meal will help you appreciate your food a whole lot more. Also, avoid drinking water before meals and in between meals, you don't want to ruin your appetite.
How to gain weight: Eat less
If you eat in between meals, cut it out. They say you should eat three large meals or five to six small meals in a day. Eating less is more. Choose food with nutritional calories and increase intake of starchy foods like potatoes. Remember, the more junk food you eat, the more you deprive your body of healthy nutrients. A thin person who gorges on junk food will suffer the same unhealthy consequences as an obese person with poor eating habits.
How to gain weight: Indulge the right way
Often times, well meaning folks will tell you to eat cakes and other sugar-heavy desserts in order to help you gain weight. While normally this strategy works perfectly for some, for others it could just lead to visceral fat - a state of being skinny fat. Skinny fat essentially means that a person appears skinny on the outside, but has fat accumulated in the wrong places (around vital organs) on the inside. Besides, sugar-heavy foods deplete your body of whatever little nutrients it might be getting from other foods.
How to gain weight: Eat lots and lots of healthy vegetables and meatAds by Google

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