Monday, September 02, 2013

Some quotes of vivekananda

1.Don't look back -forward.Infinite energy,infinite enthusiasm,infinite daring,infinite patience-then alone can great deeds be accomplised.
2.The young,the energetic,the strong,the well-built,the intellectual for them is the task.
3.There is no limit to the power of the human mind.
4.Learn everything that is good from other,but bring it in,and in your own way absorb it;do not become other.
5.Do one thing at a time,and while doing it put your whole soul onto it to the exclution of all else.
6.Men,men,these are wanted:everything else will be ready ,but strong,vigorous,believing young men,suncere to the backbone are wanted.A hundred such and the world becomes revoluyionized.
7.Anything that makes weak-physically,intellectually and spritually,reject it as poison.
8.Character has to be established through a thousand stumbles.
9.In a conflict between the heart and the brain,follow your heart.
10.clear thinking and intellectual understanding are very easy for a concentrated mind.
11.Why should a man be moral?Because this strenthens his will.
12.We are what our thoughts have made us;so take cate about what you think.

  if you like this quotes.pls comment.

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