Tuesday, July 14, 2015

6 Common Home Decorative Mistakes

Designing and decorating a room demands a high level of creativity and innovation. There are certain conventional home decor tips and habits that we are following without questioning.

But, do you realise that most of these are considered as common home decor mistakes by experts in the field? Go through this article to find whether you are committing any of these mistakes and take a chance to correct yourself.

The style and concept of each home is a reflection of the personality of people living in it. So, break the conservative concept and make your home unique and different. If you are ready to spend some time and effort, a slight change or revision in your current concept can give you a better outcome.

Knowing the accidental slip ups in home decor and sorting out the best idea to solve this will make your home more

There is no written rule when it comes to the utilization of your creativity in making your home more appealing. Also, copying the design ideas of your neighbor or friend may end up in a design failure. Here, we will discuss some home decor mistakes.

Start your way to design a great home!

Remember, you will never get a second chance to make the first impression. One of the most common interior decoration mistakes is leaving your foyer neglected in terms of designing and decoration. Make your foyer area attractive and give a personal touch to the area by keeping a painting or a family photo.

Making the home too bright or too dim comes under the category of common home decor mistakes. Make sure that you are giving the correct light ambiance to your home. This can vary depending on the function of the room, like living room needs more light, where as bedroom needs dim light.

Take a look and see whether you are keeping your living room decors in an exact matching concept. It is always a better idea to use contrast colours in your room. Making it match too much will make the room look monotonous and soul-less. Carpets, curtains, painting, furniture, rugs and wall paper can be considered for this.

Do you want to keep all the furniture and facilities in the same position without a change throughout the years? If not, why you are setting your kitchen with an inbuilt refrigerator and oven? Avoid designing your room depending on the position of the furniture and decors.

Disproportionate decors are one of the most common home decor mistakes that we usually commit. Size of rugs, furniture, wall hangings, decor curios and length of curtains will come under this. Make sure that all the home decors and utilities are in the correct proportion that matches with the size of the room.

Avoid making your home look like a hotel apartment. Probably, this is the most worst of all common home decor mistakes. Taking yourself too seriously can end up in a design disaster. Giving your home a personal touch is the best idea to make your home your favourite place to live in.

Do you have better home decor tips? Do share with us!

Source: www.boldsky.com

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