Monday, December 22, 2014


Sure Angry Birds and Candy Crush have a certain brainless appeal, but wouldn't you rather generate some cash by mashing your fingers against your smartphone?
From asking for your opinions to challenging you to new fitness goals, each of these apps promises to reward your efforts with discounts, vouchers and actual money. Fire up your phone, stretch out your fingers and make the easiest £5 you've ever earned.
Concept: A money-making photography app. Photo editing tools, a photo-sharing community and a market place all live in this single one app. Brands are able to commission community 'missions' - if Nike are looking for images for a "night running" concept, grab your camera and head out. You could even bag a contract.
Payment: Missions often pay in prize money or perks, while the market place deals in cash (currently in Beta).
Platform: Free - iOS
 and Android
Concept: Get paid to stay healthy - fail, and you could lose money. Make a weekly Pact to exercise more or eat healthier. Set what you’ll pay other Pact members if you don’t reach it. Snap a picture of your food to prove what you're eating, use the fitness tracker to show your workout details or keep a food log.
Payment: Cash - paid for by those members who didn't reach their target. Think of it as a gym membership that pays you when you go and fines you when you don't.
Platform: Free - iOS
 and Android
Concept: Get paid for your opinion. Consumer groups and market researchers want to get into your head (worryingly) - rather than being clandestine about it, iPoll presents you with their surveys up front. Tell them what you think of their service/product/idea and they reward you with free stuff - including money. The more surveys you complete, the better the rewards.
Payment: Gift codes, magazine subscriptions, virtual currency, charitable donations and, occasionally, cash.
Platform: Free - iOS
 and Android
Concept: Tell Google what you think and get Google Play credits in exchange. Questions can be as simple as "Which logo is better" to "What do you like spending money on". Surveys will come your way depending on your demographic and geographic location, so some users might get more than others.
Payment: Google Play credits
Platform: Free - Android
Concept: Take pictures and make money. A stock image service not unlike Flickr or Shutterstock but for the world of mobile photography. Take a photo, upload it with a 'report' that describes the image and wait for the "likes" to roll in as other members view your work. Gain enough attention and you'll get some cash - particularly good if you're taking photos of news-worth events.
Payment: Cash
Platform: Free - iOS
 and Android

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